We are Kings and Queens

Algarve Life - Amanda Gleaves
3 min readMay 31, 2020

I have had a rough few days, it has been hell!

Firstly the internet went off — for a whole four hours. I had to cancel a meeting via Skype.

Then, that same night, my two cats started fighting and I have had to separate them from one another. In an apartment that is not easy, believe me. The constant crying has been driving me insane; I haven’t been able to sleep or focus well on my work because of the incessant racket; I work at home. It has now been 5 days.

I suppose that there are worse things in life — but that doesn’t help my present situation. I don’t know what to do, should I give them away and face criticism of pet lovers-online? (Those Facebook groups can be ruthless) or should I just resign myself to the fact that this is life from now on?

I am a little bitch

Here is the upside. I haven’t caught COVID-19 yet and People are not rioting outside my front door. Yesterday I ate two good meals, wrote some emails, drank lots of tea, listened to music. took a shower and visited the doctor for a mild ailment I have. At night I slept in a warm bed in the apartment I can afford to rent — for the time being.

So why am I complaining?

Because I am a little bitch.

I have nothing to complain about.

I am a crying cat.

These days, the majority of us in the western world live like kings and queens lived just 150 years ago. Maybe even better.

We have running water, hot and cold. Houses with more than one room. Cooking facilities and bathrooms that we don’t share with 5 families.

The life expectancy of a Londoner in those days, was 20 years.

150 years ago, London was the biggest city in the world, the biggest trading nation in the world and produced more steel than all the other countries put together. Cars had not been invented, the main form of transport was still the horse, although steam engine driven trains running on steel rails (invented in England) were rapidly taking over long distance travel.

Queen Victoria lived like a queen at the time. (well, she was a queen I suppose and had a certain amount of entitlement) Clean water, nice bed, warm fire, nice dresses, shoes..etc..(no internet in those days though, for those of you that just might think they had it).

The Charles Dickens’ novel, Oliver Twist gave us some insight just as to the kind of conditions ‘common’ people were living in at the time. The life expectancy of a Londoner in those days, was 20 years.

I have lived two lifetimes compared to people back then! (Okay and another half-life!)

Divorce was permitted for the first time 150 years ago — only 150! This lead to more promiscuity; wife swapping became common place among the middle class, (and you thought that only started in the 60s) and this brought about the formation of the Puritan Christian evangelical movement. This is around the same time that the camera was invented and used it mostly for pornographic pictures, which were in high demand.

So that explains the lack of selfies in those days!

The industrial Revolution

The industrial revolution was actually responsible for the squalor and disease that came with urban life. It took people from their cottages in the country (where they most likely had a cow and a place to plant some veg and a nice warm fire) to the dirty disease infested cities.

In the early 1900 the river Thames was an open sewer, and caused a majority of the diseases of the time. The public water supply was contaminated. The outdated sewerage system was only updated after the Great Stink of 1858.

People lived in appalling conditions. Working conditions were just as bad. There were no unions, there was nobody you could complain to. (Karen would have no manager)

Life was pretty miserable. No healthcare, no benefits.

When you compare that to the way most of us live now in developed countries, we can see that today we live like Kings and Queens did, not so long ago.

Do we appreciate that?

A lady told me the other day that I was sitting in an Ivory tower pointing my finger…I am inclined to agree with her after reading this.



Algarve Life - Amanda Gleaves

I have been living in the Algarve in Portugal since 1989! I have been teaching Portuguese to foreigners for nearly 20 years! https://portugueseinsixweeks.com/