We are nobody
I was reading the other day, that the best things to write about are personal experiences. It seems to be true. When you write something that others can identify with it strikes a chord with them and they become interested.
People like talking about themselves
One thing you learn when teaching a language is that there is a huge focus on the self. This is because people like talking about themselves. Not in a negative way, but to strike up a conversation. So when you learn a language if you start with all the first person verbs and pronouns, it gets you off to a good start. Even if that only means ‘listening’ to somebody telling themselves about you. (then you can mirror them, when talking about yourself).
We like to hear about other people’s experiences and we like to tell them our own. This is how we strike up friendships. By seeing what we have in common. If we don’t talk about ourselves how will people know who we are?
I am not famous, I am nobody
It is a big step though to place some of your deepest thoughts from you life experiences on a public platform for all to gaze upon. It is hardly like a bit of chit chat at a cocktail party. I have many stories to tell and I think I might start telling them.
I wouldn’t say my life has been special — hang on, yes I would, because life is special, so it has. What I mean is that I am not famous, I am nobody — but that is the thing, we all are nobody in a sense. Sometimes though, we have experiences that we learn from and if sharing those experineces can help others, then I am all for it.
Watch this space.